What is this? A fabulously symmetrical tray of plenty! Everyone was instructed to take one item from each side as to not screw with the loveliness.
Wait, did I mention that we had enough food to feed an army which is a great thing since there were four adults there and three small children.

We had just enough food to make robots with.

Adlee stood on her head for a while to help with digesting. She can eat as much, if not more, then an average four year old!

Hudson whined a

This was our family at the beginning of the night. Not sure who the dude in black with the funky hair is but he looks like he just showed up from Club 7 or maybe it was work...hmm I can't remember now.

Look at all this cuteness. I absolutely did not have to raise my voice or threaten any of these sweet children in order to get this masterpiece. I promise.

Ahh... look at how Hudson is looking at his brother in awe.

This is how our family looked at the end of the night.

I bought the material to make Adlee's dress a while ago. So sad it did not turn out very cute. She kinda looks like a pilgrim though. I am not a seamstress and don't know how to use patterns so I thought I would be able to make it up as I go...and it did not work out for me. I used the extra pieces to make the boys ties so at least they matched. And look at the symmetry in this picture.....beautiful!