School is out but the weather has not been summer like. We keep getting a few days of good weather followed by a storm. When the weather is good we are all outside enjoying it. Porter starts whiffle ball this week :) and we are taking off to McCall for our first camping trip of the season.
Hudson looked like this
I turned around to get a picture of Porter
and then Hudson looked like this. The kid loves to eat dirt!
Adlee does not like to have her picture taken but she is enjoying fixing her own hair. She comes up with some creative hairdos. One day Joe refused to be seen with her in a store because of her crazy accessories.
Speaking of accessories here is Hudson's :) Yeah Adlee was potty training at his age and he just wants to wear the potty seat around. It actually was stuck I had a small moment of panic where I imagined having to take him in to have a potty seat cut from his neck.