Monday, June 13, 2011

Adlee: the big three year old!

Adlee has never been one for getting her pictures taken, but now that she is not a baby anymore she was much more cooperative. I hope this is telling of what three years old will be for Adlee, because she is a lot of thing but usually cooperative is not one of them.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Adlee's 3rd Birthday

Our little girl turned three on Friday. We threw a small party for her and had lots of fun. She asked for princess dresses, Tinkerbell cake, and a yata (pinata).

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


On our camping trip we did a lot of this:and this:
Lots of this:
and this:
and of course this:
Oh what a cute picture.

One more cute picture.Our traditional end of trip photo. We had been rained on, snowed on, hailed on, rolled in dirt and marshmallows and needed showers badly.