Saturday, August 14, 2010

New Project

I am in the process of beautifying a garage sale find. I spent yesterday sanding of layers of grime and paint. Joe works all day today and tomorrow so hopefully Monday I will get a chance to work on it again.
I have been reading this blog and want to find a dresser that I can work on for our bedroom. Then I think I want to build this bed for Adlee. Then maybe I will tackle building a kitchen

Here are some pics of the bed.


After a little sanding

It's kinda cute

Here is her new bed set

1 comment:

  1. ohhh!! that bed frame is ADORABLE! very chic : ) i browsed that blog...i love it! brandon and i have been drooling over the "knock off wood" blog. you should check it out. i just have so many projects i want to do...but no time now that school's started : (

    can't wait to see the finished product!!

