Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The River

Scott and Wendy took us out in their boat today. We spent the day on an island beach in the Columbia River. Here are a few pictures.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

Baby #3

Its official we are going to have baby Harris #3 in December. We went today for the ultrasound and the big reveal. Little stinker would not uncross its legs for the first 45 minutes so it took a little pushing and shaking to get the desired info.

Here are a couple pics:

Friday, July 17, 2009


Porter, Joe and a friend went out last week to go fishing. It was hot out and they decided to fish for catfish. Between all of them they caught 2 catfish. Porter thought the boat ride and releasing the fish were more fun than anything.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Bath Time

Here is proof that we do actually give the kids a bath sometimes. We can't help it if they only stay clean for 2.5 seconds but we do try.

You can see Adlee's tan lines a bit. She has such pretty dark toned skin. Poor albino Porter has no chance I think he has skin like his grandma Kathy.